Who is GlobeTrekKY

i live ☀.
i laugh ☺.
i love ♥.
i travel ✈.
I love the mountains,
I love the clear blue skies…
I love the whole world
And all its sights and sounds
I love to try stuff
I love real dirty things…
I love the whole world
It's such a brilliant place
Boom-de-yadda… :-)
7 … Random Facts About Me…* OC daw ako. * I love coffee! * I am not Korean, nor am I Japanese. * I love to cook & bake. * When I’m bored I fidget. I think I have adult ADD =P * I can stare out to the sea/ocean (any body of water) for hours on end without getting bored. (Contrary to my previous ‘factoid’ bit) * I am emotional… Mababaw ang luha ko … I am moody.
7… Things I Can / Can’t (or Won’t) Do... * Can stare out to the sea/ocean (any body of water) for hours on end without getting bored. * Can stay in a zoo, pet shop, petting zoo (anywhere with furry animals … ah basta animals!), cuddle, feed, talk to animals without getting bored or noticing the time. * Can have more than 8 cups of coffee a day and still remain “normal”. * Can do handicrafts and crafty artsy fashion-y stuff… but too lazy to do them ( * Can’t play any musical instrument nor can I read musical notes (Natural!) * Can’t take disappointment and failure quite well. * Can’t (and won’t!) eat cucumber, green peas (unless absolutely necessary… which is… never...err... unless it's with Indian foodÜ) *
7… Things I Plan To Do Before I Die…* Serve God. * Become a chef or have my own culinary show (haha!) * Visit my 7 places to visit. * Learn (hopefully master too!) another language. (French?) (Japanese?) * Be more patient, tanggalin na ang pagka-ADD! * Have twins? Good luck. * Find the one.
7… Places to Visit hopefully before I die…
* [Turkey], [Greece], [Iraq] & [AFRICA] … the cradles of civilization (Uy, counted as 1 yan ha ;) ) * [Machu Picchu] * [The Vatican], [Rome], [Tuscany], [Sicily] * [China] & [Nepal] ([Harbin], [Mongolia], [Tibet], 3 Gorges (again!) Huang Shan (again!), Great Wall, anywhere in [China]…! * [New Zealand] * [Amanpulo], or any fabulous beach! Haha! * [French Riviera] & the [Mediterranean]
7 … Things that Scare the Sh*t Out of Me…* Failure. * Being a disappointment to … anyone. * Creatures with more than 4 legs (especially if the crawl… or fly! Eww.) * War. * Being alone. * Being alone lost in the wilderness or in the dark. * Death – w/ unfinished business.
7… Things I Always Pray for / about everyday…
* Thanks for blessings. * Mom & Dad’s good health (and The Hubby's & mine too) * Happiness * Safety. * Inner Peace. * Strength * Faith. Hope. Love. *
7… Things I miss the most…* My LYF SUX friends from high school. * My gal pals Nikki, Doray, Malou, and Sherry. * My best friend/s Jane & Ganch. * Dining out (and doing reviews) or hanging out with friends, checking out new restos or gimmick spots * Scrapbooking and taking hundreds & hundreds of pictures * Little post-it notes, letters, tissue notes from high school and college pals, filofax & stationery collections * Foodies from the past not readily available here... Horlicks... :-9 *