So… you wanna be a travel writer?

Been following several travel blogs for quite a few years now, but recently I stumbled upon this very helpful travel blog from Filipina sisters who love independent travel. And yes, obviously my dream is to be like a Samantha Brown, or Anthony Bourdain, or that couple from Man, Woman, Wild on Discovery Channel - be paid to travel.
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Found this post very helpful, so I'm sharing this with you!

So… you wanna be a travel writer?

Although I really do wanna get out of that "Day Job" rut.. but heck, the day job savings pay for these trips :)

So, where's your next destination?

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ikr! :) yup meet up nxt week. I'm back to work week after next :(

March 13, 2011 03:53:10 Jump to / Ensogo Benefits Salon vouchers A-OK!